Hi everyone! We have been super busy trying to get new content worked on while also cleaning up the old content that we already have in our levels. One of the big things about this week was that we want the UI to get fleshed out a little, so Jeff is starting all of that with a clean plate because the previous UI frames were off. We presented at Dragon Army and also Trip Wire this week. The whole team was at Dragon Army, but only Alex was available at the Trip Wire presentation, so we would like to thank him for committing his time to show off our hard work.
AJ Spent a lot of time going in and cleaning a lot of issues with the game and making lumi's guidance feedback more easier to read when grabbing objects. We had a really bad bug that wouldn't trigger our memory shard speed boost script when the game was created into an exe.
Tian (me) started the layout for the website, but it isn't finished yet. Once the layout and information is laid down, I will post the link for everyone to see!
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