The programmers have made some headway on the build. The Xbox controller has been fully mapped and integrated into the game with any the UI left to sync up to the new control scheme. The only reason why we didn't use it for the playtest is because the camera has somehow zoomed in really close to the player character, so the player would have been unable to see. More development on that soon, but Dissonance, from a technical standpoint, is progressing swimmingly.
Chapter 2 has a level diagram now and Alex, our level designer, is in the process of blocking it out. We also have Nicole, one of our artist, developing a tutorial level to take place before chapter 1 and show the player what the objective is in a more natural learning environment. Other members of our team have been working on their own level ideas, so our level design has had all hands on deck this past week.
Nicole, Jeff, and Brice have been working on UI layouts and illustrations to take the place of what we have so far. Still no pause menu yet, but we have a working main menu as a placeholder as well as a restart screen for whenever the player dies or finishes the current level. We're expecting that we'll at least have placeholders for every screen we need within the next two weeks with final designs to be integrated sometime in the spring.
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