
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring 2014 Week 6

For this week, we were suppose to meet up with Eyes Wide Games and present our game, so we wanted to polish our game and also fix a couple of bugs.  One of the big things that we got in feedback was that the orb and counter HUD was really hard to see, so I (Tian) went in and increased the sizing of all those prefabs, and then even made a simple layout for it so it would look interesting.  I will be creating a website layout for Dissonance this weekend so we will have a running website by next week with all of our social network links and also a link to this blog.

AJ went in and fixed the lumi light so that the blurry circle is more solid, so the player can see the different in light and darkness better.  He also added in the music for the environment and also for the memory shards, so when you walk into the memory shards, it plays this ringing glory music.

The particles for the fireflies around the memory shard were increased in size so you could notice it better.  Also, we went in and added a rumble script for the controller so when the player gets closer to the memory shard, the XBOX controller would rumble as a feedback for the player.

I helped guide Alex to fixing the circle area for our memory shard safe zone.  This was an issue at the beginning because the bubble would pop in front of the terrain, so we went back and flatted the sphere to be more of a flat circle.

Alex's development of Beach level 2 went through a lot of changes and play testing, but it has finally come to a stage where we can start building the terrain for the map.

Here is also the tutorial level design that Alex worked on.  We will have billboards in the background that will help guide the player as to what controllers are and the goals of the game.


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